Here is a good article about top talent at a job. Some of this is common sense -- but it is worth repeating...!!
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- Try to improve process by rapidly acquiring and integrating new information
- Foster an environment of process improvement rather than blame
- Remain calm and composed under stress
- Can manage completing assignments with competing deadlines
“Top talent” recognizes when he is the best person for the task and when it’s critical to join others and work as a part of a team.
- Follow through on commitments
- Strong communication skills
- Don’t take negative feedback personally
- Don’t take credit for good results
- Get along well with others
- Not fearful of incorporating team members with superior expertise for a superior outcome
Adept problem solver
“Top talent” doesn’t hesitate to fix a problem.
- First to offer to help
- Come through fast and over deliver
- Offer creative, innovative solutions
- Inspire others to take action
- Consistent
- Provide a new approach to solving problems
“Top talent” knows her talents and doesn’t need to broadcast them to fellow employees or to their superior. This personality exudes confidence but not in a way that intimidates others. Their calm tone and mild manner draws people to them and makes it easy for others to come to them for help and to open up to them about challenges they face.
- Embrace others’ better ideas
- Learn from failure
- Step back to see if someone has a better point
When faced with a problem as a team member, “top talent” intuitively knows the appropriate time to step in or step back; s/he focuses on the project’s success, not on a rigid leadership structure.
Great leaders tend to be inclusive, humble, self-directed and mission focused and inspire others to action. An employee who exhibits leadership ability is generally well respected by co-workers. They have demonstrated competence and are often known to seek feedback (both positive and negative). Top talent shows genuine concern for the well being of the group.
“Top talent” NEVER Says:
“It’s not my job”!
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